Mohamed isselmou
2 min readJul 1, 2021


Learn the Linux Fundamentals Part 2 | TryHackMe write up

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين

question: What directional arrow key would we use to navigate down the manual page?

answer: down

question: What flag would we use to display the output in a “human-readable” way?

answer: -h

question: How would you create the file named “newnote”?

answer: touch newnote

question: On the deployable machine, what is the file type of “unknown1” in “tryhackme’s” home directory?

answer: ASCII text

question: How would we move the file “myfile” to the directory “myfolder”

answer: mv myfile myfolder

question: What are the contents of this file?


question: On the deployable machine, who is the owner of “important”?

answer: user2

-$ ls -l

question: What would the command be to switch to the user “user2”?

answer: su user2

question: Output the contents of “important”, what is the flag?

answer: THM{SU_USER2}

question: What is the directory path that would we expect logs to be stored in?

answer: /var/log

question: What root directory is similar to how RAM on a computer works?

answer: /tmp

question: Name the home directory of the root user

answer: /root

thank You for reading

